COVID-19 Pacific and Timor-Leste Preparedness and Recovery NGO Partnership: Final Evaluation Report

The COVID-19 Pacific and Timor-Leste Preparedness and Recovery NGO Partnership was set up by the Australian Government in June 2020 to support communities across multiple countries to become resilient to and recover from the impacts of COVID-19, and included support to the Australian Humanitarian Partnership. An independent evaluation found that partnerships achieved significant benefits for affected communities.

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Risk Communication and Community Engagement in the AHP COVID-19 Response in Papua New Guinea: Evaluation and Learning Report

In 2021–22, five AHP consortiums received additional funding to support the rollout and uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine in Papua New Guinea and to reduce the spread of the virus, through a focus on risk communication and community engagement (RCCE). This report details the achievements, enablers, challenges and learning in relation to RCCE approaches in AHP programming.

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